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Swag Ideas for Africa Nonprofit Organizations On Any Budget

· 2 min read

Promotional merchandise or swag can be a great awareness-building tool for non-profit organizations.

But alot of nonprofit organizations with great missions or problem to solve do overlook the impact of swag as a means to share and raise awareness of their mission with the world.

It's okay to believe the public knows your brand, but do they have deep understanding about the problem your organization solves?

Even with a very tight budget, you would still get a better Return On Investment (ROI) leveraging on swag as a means of spreading and telling the stories of your brand.

At the same time building excitement around your purpose and internal culture as well.

You can start telling your stories to the world with swag items that stands out, like stickers or apparel,

Here are some ways that promotional merchandise can help nonprofit organizations increase their impact:

Broaden social media engagements with swag initiatives.

Using thoughtful swag alongside your marketing strategies would give significant difference in engagement with your audience.

With swag proving itself over the years, Nonprofits can build campaigns around people showcasing their swag on social media.

Hence you need to make swag item that stands out, You’ll want to create a tagline put your brand out there.